Sunday, October 25, 2009

Online Nursing Degree Programs For Men? By Tannie Lewis

Quick... what do you think of whenever someone mentions about nurses?

For most people, they will think of a caring and nurturing person all dressed in white.

And in almost all cases, that person is a woman, correct? Yes, it's a stereotype, but nursing is often thought of as a job for women. Very few will picture a male nurse, and that's the unfortunate reality.

Although nursing is primarily associated with women, in today's world nursing is already a very good career opportunity for both men and women.

As it stands, less than 10% of nurses are men, but that number is increasing as we speak. More and more men are making the choice to join the nursing profession. And as the medical field becomes even more advanced and challenging, so to are the challenges faced by nurses. As a result, nursing provides a really challenging and rewarding career path for anyone who wants to become a nurse.

The prospects for career advancement are also there for anyone who is good and hardworking enough to want to climb up the rungs.

And as far as job security goes, you'll be pleased to note that there are very jobs that can come close to the security offered by the nursing profession. This sector is facing severe shortages, and hospitals all around the country and across the world are scrambling to find qualified nurses to help them cope with the increased demand for healthcare.

There just aren't enough nurses to go around, so this is a really good time for you to become a nurse if you are concerned about job security.

And with so few men currently in nursing positions, there is a tremendous shortage of male nurses in the supervisory and administrative positions. So for male nurses, you will stand a very good chance of advancing to these leadership roles quickly if you meet the grades.

Another good piece of news to all aspiring male nurses is that the take-home pay has been increasing through the years. As mentioned earlier, the shortfall in nurses coupled with the increased demand for healthcare means that salaries have been going up steadily. So if you had the impression that salaries are bad, you'll need to take a new look at what's in store for you if you become a nurse today.

The salaries are definitely nothing to scoff at anymore.

At the end of the day, nursing is a very profitable and rewarding career opportunity for both women and for men. Men are a highly-regarded and valued part of the nursing profession, and online nursing degree programs definitely cater to both genders.

If you want to find online nursing degree programs for men, you must see all the choices available to you at: online nursing degree programs

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