Thursday, December 10, 2009

Is Instructional Design Important? By John Araiza

I've known many eLearning developers who scoff at the idea of instructional design. They claim that their courses are just fine as is because there are plenty of instances in which the learner is given the opportunity to "do something" on the screen; this may be in the form of clicking a hotspot or answering a simple true/false question. I am here to tell you that simple interactivity is not enough. Just because a learner is "engaged" in a course does not mean that they are learning or retaining information.

Now, it's not always the eLearning developer's fault; many times, this idea of "engagement" is passed down by their manager. Many managers are under the pressure to produce online courses quickly and, in the process, they forget to address the issue of instructional design. Other eLearning managers are simply not aware of the idea. Regardless of the excuses, we must try and make the shift from simply transferring a paper course into an online course to making the course effective and relevant to the learner.

So what is instructional design and why is it so important to eLearning? Instructional design is the process of determining the current state and needs of the learner, defining the end goal of instruction, and creating some "intervention" to assist in the transition. In simpler terms, it is a learning blueprint. This blueprint is used to guide the learner and help them focus on the relevant course material. It is used to keep the learner interested in the course by explaining why the material is important and how it will help them perform their job more effectively. I won't get into the specifics of instructional design; there are hundreds of methodologies. I will just say the instructional design, in any form, is better than none at all.

Don't get me wrong; design alone does not make an effective online course. The eLearning developer is crucial in creating a user friendly look and feel and implementing scenarios and quizzes. I'm just suggesting that the two should work hand in hand to create the most effective learning possible.

Copyright 2009 The eLearning Authority

The eLearning Authority is a consulting firm focused on rapid eLearning development.

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