Thursday, December 10, 2009

Is Instructional Design Important? By John Araiza

I've known many eLearning developers who scoff at the idea of instructional design. They claim that their courses are just fine as is because there are plenty of instances in which the learner is given the opportunity to "do something" on the screen; this may be in the form of clicking a hotspot or answering a simple true/false question. I am here to tell you that simple interactivity is not enough. Just because a learner is "engaged" in a course does not mean that they are learning or retaining information.

Now, it's not always the eLearning developer's fault; many times, this idea of "engagement" is passed down by their manager. Many managers are under the pressure to produce online courses quickly and, in the process, they forget to address the issue of instructional design. Other eLearning managers are simply not aware of the idea. Regardless of the excuses, we must try and make the shift from simply transferring a paper course into an online course to making the course effective and relevant to the learner.

So what is instructional design and why is it so important to eLearning? Instructional design is the process of determining the current state and needs of the learner, defining the end goal of instruction, and creating some "intervention" to assist in the transition. In simpler terms, it is a learning blueprint. This blueprint is used to guide the learner and help them focus on the relevant course material. It is used to keep the learner interested in the course by explaining why the material is important and how it will help them perform their job more effectively. I won't get into the specifics of instructional design; there are hundreds of methodologies. I will just say the instructional design, in any form, is better than none at all.

Don't get me wrong; design alone does not make an effective online course. The eLearning developer is crucial in creating a user friendly look and feel and implementing scenarios and quizzes. I'm just suggesting that the two should work hand in hand to create the most effective learning possible.

Copyright 2009 The eLearning Authority

The eLearning Authority is a consulting firm focused on rapid eLearning development.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ecourse Training - How Often Should You Send Out Your Ecourse By Drew Poletto

Sending out your ecourse is more than just wait a couple of days and send out a module. Oh, I'll send out another episode this week. Nope, there should always be a reason to send out an episode.

The speed of sending out an ecourse depends on what the ecourse actually is all about. If you're talking about a training or teaching ecourse, then one module a week could be a great way to send it. Give the receiver exercises to do to get ready for the next episode of the course. Once they do the exercises, they'll be ready for the next episode.

Make sure you outline this at the beginning of the course.

Now, if you're talking about a motivational ecourse, it depends on the motivation you're giving. If it's some sort of "motivation of the week" type of thing, then of course you want to send it once a week, but I would believe you would should have about 6 to 12 months of weekly motivational episodes to send out. Just something to think about.

If you're talking about doing an informational ecourse, then maybe one episode a week isn't enough. Again, depending on the information you're providing, you may need more than one a week to keep a new subscriber interested in what you're providing.

Keep this in mind, my philosophy is you are providing an ecourse with the mindset to eventually turn a profit with a product or service you are providing. If you're doing it for other reasons, then you may want to alter the information I just provided.

There is no right or wrong way to give out information. Sure, there are ways that are better then others, but if you keep in mind what you want your end results to be, then you have a road map to your final destination.

And now I would like to offer you free access to tips, techniques and strategies to develop or expand your E-Course. Whether you're experienced with E-Courses or not, will give you what you need to "kick it up a notch."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Why Online Nursing Degree Programs Are in Demand By Tannie Lewis

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the proportion of the population aged 65 and older will rise from 13% to 20% between 2010 and 2030 -- an increase of about 30 million people.

Plus, it has also been projected that the United States will have at least 400,000 fewer nurses practicing in 2020 than today due to the increasing vacancy rate. To put it simply, the demand for nursing staff continues to grow at a tremendous pace, and the shortage of nurses is evident everywhere. This is especially acute in the critical care, emergency, and operating room departments.

This is why nurses have been in such high demand, and it's now a very good opportunity for you to become a nurse if you want a career that's not only rewarding, but which offers good job security in the current economic environment.

A good way to get started is to get a degree from one of the many good online nursing degree programs.

This is a path preferred by many others who have gone before you, because there are many benefits to pursuing an online degree instead of in a physical classroom.

For starters, it allows you greater flexibility in terms on controlling your own schedule. You can choose how fast or slow you want the pace to be as you will be choosing your course modules semester by semester.

If you are working, this is a good way to pursue your degree while keeping your day job. You will be able to continue to earn a salary to help pay for the course fees, and if you need to spend more time on your work or family life, you can always scale back the number of courses you take in that semester.

On top of that, you will also save a lot of time and money since there is no need for you to report to campus for lessons. And not only do you save on transport, you will also not be charged any out-of-state tuition in most cases.

And since you will be doing nearly everything online, you are not limited to choosing from only the local universities near you. Distance is not a problem anymore, and now you can choose from any institution that offers a degree program that suits your specific requirements, including those from the Ivy League schools.

Yet another reason why the online nursing degree courses are in such hot demand is because of the good return on investment they offer.

It's reported that compared to Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN), Registered Nurses earn approximately 15 thousand dollars more annually. So if you are a LPN, for a relatively small investment of time and money into pursuing the nursing degree, you will be able to earn a few hundred thousand dollars more over the rest of your nursing career.

So these are just a few reasons why online nursing degree programs are so popular.

For more practical advice to help you decide if an online nursing degree program is right for you, please check out: online nursing degree programs

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How to Choose the Right Online Nursing Degree Programs By Tannie Lewis

Now that you've decided to become a nurse, what's the next step?

A little homework will reveal that there are so many different options out there. Contrary to popular belief, not all nurses are the same. It's a real profession with a lot of varied career paths possible.

So as a person just starting out, how do you decide which online nursing degree program to pursue?

One common entry-level choice is to become a Registered Nurse (RN). This is in very high demand right now because of the global increase in healthcase demand, coupled with a severe shortage of qualified nurses.

To become a RN, you have a choice of getting a Diploma, an Associates Degree (ADN), or a Bachelor of Science (BSN).

Each offers a different path to become a RN, so which one is right for you?

If you are serious in becoming a professional nurse, you will probably want to pursue the BSN. It's a 4-year course and it offers some of the best job opportunities in the market today. With a BSN, you'll be well-placed to pursue even more specialized qualifications after that to enhance your job prospects and nursing career.

However, if you want to become a RN faster, you can opt for the Associates Degree. This takes about half the time of the BSN to complete, and will thus allow you to get a nursing job faster. This is more focused on technical skills as compared to the BSN, but is often used as a first step towards getting an eventual BSN.

And even though we are talking about degree programs, you may want to know that you have the option of getting a Diploma instead. This is not very popular nowadays, as many people think it will limit their career advancement options. So depending on your exact needs, this may or may not be suitable for you.

As you can see, you have many different ways of getting qualified to take the Registered Nurse exam. However, do note that each of the above mentioned paths ultimately leads you down different jobs and career paths too. Think carefully before you make any decisions and you will be fine.

What do you want to achieve at the end of the day? Where do you see yourself 3 years down the road? 5 years? 10 years? How specialized do you want to be?

Do you need to start earning income as a nurse quickly? Or do you already have an existing job that can pay your bills and school fees?

Will you be able to juggle work, family commitments, and part-time studies all at the same time?

These are just some of the factors to take into consideration when deciding which online nursing degree program to pursue.

If you want to get more insider tips on how to make the right choice for your specific situation, you must go read the experts' advice at: online nursing degree programs

Monday, October 26, 2009

Things to Note About Online Nursing Degree Programs By Tannie Lewis

If you are thinking about pursuing a degree from one of those online nursing degree programs, you will probably have a lot of questions about exactly what you can expect if you were to sign on the dotted line.

Hopefully, we can shed some light on some of these commonly asked questions for you now.

One of the first questions many people have is whether one can become a Registered Nurse (RN) by pursuing an online degree?

Well, you'll be pleased to know that the answer is a resounding "Yes." Many online programs enable you to pursue an Associate's degree, and this qualifies you for the RN licensure.

As expected, you will need to do both clinical and non-clinical work during the course of your study. The non-clinical lessons are usually done totally online, including the submission of any homework and tests. But obviously, you cannot do the clinical portion online, so this portion of the course is usually done at a conveniently located medical facility.

For the non-clinical portion of the course, your lecturer will typically upload the course notes and class assignments to a password-protected Web site, and this is where you can also interact with the rest of your fellow students through some sort of online forum. This forum is where you will post questions for the lecturer, and it's also how you can discuss lesson-related problems with your course-mates.

All your assignments are sent back to the lecturer online, and many tests and exams are also conducted via the same way.

That's why a lot of online nursing degree programs have no requirements for you to attend lessons on a campus physically.

In terms of the costs involved, online degree programs typically cost less than their full-time offline counterparts. Of course, the total costs are different depending on what program you want to enroll in, as well as from which school they are from. But thankfully, there are many financial aids still available to you even though you are pursuing an online degree.

If you academically-inclined, you can also make full use of the many scholarships offered to students. Again, online students are also eligible for these scholarships as well, unlike what many people think.

And if you have some work experience under your belt, you may also be able to receive credit for your hard-earned work experience. Depending on the school you are enrolling in, you can either sit through a proficiency exam in lieu of the usual course work, or the school may ask you to submit a report of your work experience for them to review and allocate credit if it meets their relevancy requirements.

For answers to even more frequently asked questions, see what the experts have to say at: online nursing degree programs

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Online Nursing Degree Programs For Men? By Tannie Lewis

Quick... what do you think of whenever someone mentions about nurses?

For most people, they will think of a caring and nurturing person all dressed in white.

And in almost all cases, that person is a woman, correct? Yes, it's a stereotype, but nursing is often thought of as a job for women. Very few will picture a male nurse, and that's the unfortunate reality.

Although nursing is primarily associated with women, in today's world nursing is already a very good career opportunity for both men and women.

As it stands, less than 10% of nurses are men, but that number is increasing as we speak. More and more men are making the choice to join the nursing profession. And as the medical field becomes even more advanced and challenging, so to are the challenges faced by nurses. As a result, nursing provides a really challenging and rewarding career path for anyone who wants to become a nurse.

The prospects for career advancement are also there for anyone who is good and hardworking enough to want to climb up the rungs.

And as far as job security goes, you'll be pleased to note that there are very jobs that can come close to the security offered by the nursing profession. This sector is facing severe shortages, and hospitals all around the country and across the world are scrambling to find qualified nurses to help them cope with the increased demand for healthcare.

There just aren't enough nurses to go around, so this is a really good time for you to become a nurse if you are concerned about job security.

And with so few men currently in nursing positions, there is a tremendous shortage of male nurses in the supervisory and administrative positions. So for male nurses, you will stand a very good chance of advancing to these leadership roles quickly if you meet the grades.

Another good piece of news to all aspiring male nurses is that the take-home pay has been increasing through the years. As mentioned earlier, the shortfall in nurses coupled with the increased demand for healthcare means that salaries have been going up steadily. So if you had the impression that salaries are bad, you'll need to take a new look at what's in store for you if you become a nurse today.

The salaries are definitely nothing to scoff at anymore.

At the end of the day, nursing is a very profitable and rewarding career opportunity for both women and for men. Men are a highly-regarded and valued part of the nursing profession, and online nursing degree programs definitely cater to both genders.

If you want to find online nursing degree programs for men, you must see all the choices available to you at: online nursing degree programs

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why You Must Find the Best Online University For Your Online Degree Program By Ewechi Fred

Technological improvement has led to the emergence of the Internet and online education. Do you know that there is a great increase in online degree programs? As Internet education is becoming acceptable many universities are offering various degree programs online. There are also wholly virtual education portals for online education.

However, choosing an online college can be difficult, because of information overload and the multitude of choices of online Universities available on the internet. So before you make up your mind to acquire an online degree, how do you go about choosing the best university for your Internet degree program?

Well, to ensure that you obtain a quality online degree you must go for a renowned and highly regarded online university. This is important, because the quality of your degree determines your chances of getting a good job. Employers are aware of quality online colleges and universities and will readily give employment to graduates of such schools for existing vacancies.

For instance, employers value graduates from Phoenix Online University, because of the quality education they received from the University. Another outstanding online institution is DeVry University. DeVry is one of the oldest and most widely recognized online colleges. It is duly accredited by relevant authorities and offers sound online training as attested to by the very many people who have graduated from the college. DeVry graduates are also known to have no problems securing employment with their degrees.

Academic Environment

A decent academic interface is necessary to ensure quality online teaching, lecturers and students should be able to communicate through instant messages, email, web cams and chat-rooms . DeVry University has maintained an excellent track record in lectures employing all of the above facilities. Wide arrays of subjects and majors are taught in DeVry Online University.

In conclusion, the essence of acquiring an online university degree is to find employment or advance your career. Therefore, locating the best Online University degree program for upgrading your education is very important. That is why great care must be taken in choosing your online school.

To learn more on Why You Must Find The Best Online University For Your Online Degree Program please visit Accredited Online Diploma Courses.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Online Education Rocks By Jaspal Kittu

Amalgamation of technology and education has given rise to innovative and qualitative study support known as e-learning. Also referred as online education, it epitomizes anytime, anywhere study support for students. It has swayed the entire learning process and made the study support available in real time, round the clock. No doubt, it has fulfilled the ever-increasing requirements of students who are often termed as impatient and uncompromising on quality.

The reasons behind the soaring demand of online education are many but the most noteworthy is the convenience associated with it. As mentioned, it is a technology driven learning that also keeps the modern generation abreast with the usage of information technology. Accessible to the students after the school hours in real time, the medium has proved to be a boon for the knowledge seekers. Back from school, when students sit for self-study, they often get entwined in cobweb of questions. The topics taught in the classroom seems confusing to them. They look for quality study material and in turn often opt for private tuition. But, still do not get one stop solution as per their wish. Here comes this latest learning medium, which has revolutionised the learning process. Logging on to reliable e Learning website provides them enough study support from the comfort of their home.

Flexibility is another important facet of online education that has made it popular among students. They are given a power to access the study material anywhere, anytime. Available beyond the boundary of time and place, it helps a student to plan the studies. In turn, it has made learning more convenient and accessible for them.

Online education also creates an interaction platform where a student communicates with certified subject experts from across the world. Students residing in small towns are greatly benefited through this interactive online tutoring. Getting homework help and simple explanations of complex topics in real time through virtual classes helps a student to score extra marks and improve the academic performance. Moreover, interaction and discussion through virtual platform with a community of learners and educators beyond the geographical boundaries increases the educational experience of a student.

What else can be a best option for a student to study from the readymade learning modules instead of making notes? Various learning modules that are designed in simple and hierarchical format are made available to a student 24*7. All the learning modules are mapped to the class, subject, chapter and topic making learning simple and easy. Further, usage of instructional media in study modules makes learning more interesting and innovative.

Availability of sample papers, practice papers, online tests and many other assessment tools helps one to gauge the understanding of the concept. All these test materials with their correct answers are available online at one stop. Students can take their test by selecting a subject, chapter, topic as well as difficulty level and have an insight into their proficiency. Thus, online education not only helps a student to learn at their convenience but also assess their preparation.

And last but not the least, online education is less time consuming as a student is not required to commute to study centres. This in turn enables a student to concentrate on the studies and learn effectively at own time, pace and convenience.

Extramarks brings students, teachers and parents together on a single platform to ensure that a child excels academically. To know more about online tutoring, online tutor, online class, online study, mind map, SLM, chapterwise Q&A, online education, log on to

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Designs on a Degree? Online Training For the Digital Designer By Kelli D Smith

Digital design is a field that involves creating images and animation using computer software. Digital designers use technology to create visual media that communicate messages, tell stories, sell products, or entertain. If you're good with computers, have an artistic eye, and communicate well, an online design degree might just be right for you.

What Does Digital Design Training Look Like?

There are various specialties in the digital design field, including game design and development, graphic design, visual communications, and digital animation. Of course, the specific degree you choose depends on your desired career path. There are various design courses that you will take as your earn any design degree, including the following:

  • Layout Design
  • Graphic Design
  • 3-D Modeling and Animation
  • Digital Photography

The length of your program--and which specific digital design courses you'll take--depends on whether you choose to earn an associate's degree or a bachelor's degree. Your digital design courses can give you the right knowledge and experience, as well as valuable portfolio samples.

What Careers Does a Design Degree Prepare Me For?

Any job you choose in design will likely be a specialization in one of the following areas:

  • Graphic Design: As a graphic designer, you create visual communications for advertising, magazine layouts, book illustrations, or Web sites. You design packaging, logos, and signs for businesses. Most entry-level careers in graphic design require an associate's or bachelor's degree in digital or graphic design. You have to have an eye for balance and color, and additional courses in psychology, culture studies, and communication can also be helpful as you design images to convey messages. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employment in this area is growing as fast as the national average between 2006 and 2016, and the median annual salary is $46,750.
  • Multi-Media Animation: In this field, you help design 3-D animation and visual effects in movies and computer games. This career is growing faster than any other art career: 26 percent growth between 2006 and 2016--much faster than the national average, according to the BLS. The field is competitive, so a passion for your job, a great portfolio, and up-to-date digital design training are all essential. For most jobs, a bachelor's degree in a digital-design-related field is required. But the career training pays off, since the median annual salary for multi-media artists is $62,380, according to the BLS. Of course, you aren't limited to working just in movies or video games; many corporations, Web sites, and advertisers require some kind of digital animation to communicate a message or promote a product.

What the Benefits of Earning a Degree Online?

Flexibility is the major advantage of earning your degree online. You can study when it's convenient for you from any place with Internet access. If you have obligations such as family or full-time work that keep you from being able to attend traditional classes, online digital design courses offer a convenient alternative.

Completing digital design training is essential to starting a career in this field. Make sure you know your strengths, and look into online degree programs carefully to select the right one. Education and experience go a long way toward helping you start your ideal job. lists digital design courses and degree programs for those interested in pursuing a career in the design field

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Learning to Teach - The Basics of an Online Education Degree By Kelli D Smith

If you enjoy working with children, have a love for learning, and possess strong multi-tasking abilities, at some point you may have thought about becoming a teacher. Now is a good time to start earning the credentials, since this profession has been projected to grow by 12 percent between 2006 and 2016, creating about 479,000 new teaching jobs.

Teaching requires certification, which is most often obtained through a bachelor's degree program. If you are interested in completing a bachelor's degree, there are many online programs available. If you already have a bachelor's degree in any subject, there are many programs offering online Master's degrees in education that can be completed in two years.

Benefits to Earning an Online Degree

While there are various benefits to earning your education degree online, they can be summed up with one word: flexibility. You can complete coursework at your own pace, whenever and wherever it's convenient for you. If you have a job or a family that keeps you from traditional classes, you can do the coursework in the evenings or on the weekends. The flexible schedule also means that you can still work full-time, which makes supporting yourself and paying for classes a bit easier.

What to Expect from an Online Education Degree

If you pursue an online bachelor's or Master's degree in education, you can expect to take typical education classes such as the following:

  • Teaching Methods
  • Classroom Management
  • Theories of Learning
  • Educational Law
  • Curriculum Development

You will complete both practicums and student teaching to get real-life experience teaching and managing a class. If your online coursework is synchronous, you will participate in online discussions or videoconferencing at particular times; if your coursework is asynchronous, you will complete lessons and participate in learning activities at your own pace.

Tips for Earning an Online Education Degree

  1. Set aside time to work on your online degree every day. While you can complete coursework at your own pace, you will learn more effectively if you study regularly
  2. Make sure the school you choose for completing your online education degree is accredited and can prepare you for teaching in the specific field you choose. As all states require the passing of an exam for certification, be sure the online education degree program you enroll in can get you ready
  3. Network with other education professionals. Many teachers will tell you that some of their greatest resources are other teachers. If you're feeling short on inspiration or creativity, teachers can offer advice and help to get you through some tough coursework moments

Of course, the best advice for anyone wanting to pursue an online bachelor's or Master's degree in education is to make sure you're truly interested in teaching, and then go for it. With all the online education programs out there, now is a better time than ever to start working towards a degree in education. lists online education degree and training programs for those interested in pursuing a career in the education field

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mortgage Classes - Taking an Online Mortgage Class By Jennifer Lynn Hanson

Chances are, if you are investigating your options for mortgage classes, you are doing it for one of two reasons. One, you want to get into the mortgage industry as a career choice. Two, you want to educate yourself as much as possible about the process of securing a new home loan because you want to purchase a home.

Either way, your best option is online. Online mortgage classes have come a long way in just a few years. They offer many different options as far as curriculum, length of class, price, and quality.

The best ones are the ones that get very specific about what they teach. You don't want to waste time being in a reverse mortgage class when you want to learn about how to get the best interest rates on a cash out refinance.

There is an online mortgage or home loan class for every specific purpose. For those who are looking to purchase a new home and want to make sure they make the best decisions and get the best deal, there's a class for you. For those who want to become a licensed loan officer, there's a class for you. For those who want to learn about refinance options, there's a class for you.

The costs vary tremendously. In general, online courses are much less expensive than physically going to class. There are many online classes that don't even cost a cent. Some of these, however, are self serving for mortgage brokers who get you to come in to get more educated, but just throw a couple of facts at you and then try to get your business.

In order to find the classes of the highest quality, make sure to read some consumer reviews on online mortgage courses. Reviews of these courses are all over the internet, as people are anxious to let others know if they feel they were ripped off.

Securing the best FHA loan, or any home loan, is not difficult if you understand how to make yourself an appealing borrower. For tips and advice on how to get yourself the best loan possible, visit the Home Loan Directory. It's a free online resource to help you best understand the process of borrowing.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Proof in the Pudding - Kids Love Videos By Kimberly Stohlman

There is a significant need for quality professional educational videos within our schools today. Sure, there is a wide world of options available, but how do you as the teacher find the quality among the junk? And, once you find it, how do you integrate it successfully into your classroom, ensuring your students can gain the most benefit from it?

When students get stumped on a subject today, there are a number of different options they can access to find help. One of these sources happens to be YouTube. Believe it or not, this website that is known for comedy skits and reality-type videos, also has a wide range of educational videos available on a wide range of educational subjects.

So why would students turn to such a medium to find help with a school subject? For one, they have the option of rewinding the video and repeating a segment if they didn't catch the concept the first time around. In addition, the video combines visual learning with narration, allowing students to engage in two different learning methods to find their own niche.

Quality educational videos can deliver much of the same value when used in the classroom. Not only can these videos help to introduce a new concept to students, they can also approach them in a way that may be different than your teaching style. For those students who learn better with visual or interactive techniques, these videos can help to improve their classroom experience.

There are a few things that quality videos will focus on to ensure you can get the most out of the experience in your classroom. For one, they will deliver concepts in bite-size pieces. Too often, students struggle with an 8 a.m. lesson on the theory of relativity. But if it is presented in an interactive multimedia experience, they could be easily engaged in a concept that was once beyond their comprehension.

Some professionals in the field worry about the approach that is taken on specific YouTube videos. They argue that while at times the examples given are more real-to-life, that very element could cripple a student when it comes time to relate the concept in the classroom environment or on a standard test. Of course, you could raise the argument that if a real-world example is easier for a student to comprehend, why wouldn't such examples be used all the time - especially if they are based on "real world" concepts.

While it is true that quality educational videos only allows for so much introduction and education within the classroom environment, they should never be used as the lesson alone. As the teacher, you will want to build upon the concepts presented with interactive activities, other videos, field trips or other elements that can be incorporated into the entire lesson. No video should ever serve as the lesson all by itself. Cross-reference facts and information to be sure the lesson is valuable and consistent.

If you're ready to start experiencing the benefits of using video in the classroom, your next step is to download a free copy of "The 7 Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make Using Video in the Classroom" by clicking on the link below right now.

The small company I work for is committed to creating quality educational videos for classroom instruction. From the earliest script stages, all subject area content, images, and music are intensely reviewed and selected for meeting appropriate grade level, curriculum objectives and standards for our proprietary productions. The videos we distribute are also screened to meet our high standards.

Teachers in the 21st century classroom will be better educators if they understand how to use multi media in their lessons, if they understand the processes that research has shown to be the most effective for improved student performance, and if they know how to find quality video resources that will enhance their lessons.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Understanding Online Degree Programs By Ewechi Fred

Online degree programs are very suitable for everyone who wants to get a university education. Today, it is very necessary for you to be a professional in a particular field, so as to compete favorably with others in the job market.

Technological advancement now offers you the opportunity to do several things including earning an online degree program with your computer and Internet connection. This was not possible some years ago. Today, many colleges are available on the internet to assist you actualize your dream of higher education. Online degree programs are designed to help you, if you missed acquiring higher education in the past, but even if you are a fresh student, you can also acquire your first degree from an online college.

An online education program is different from a traditional college education program, because it is easily accessed no matter where you are. All you needed is your computer and a reliable internet connection. If you are on transit you cannot lag behind on your studies if you have your computer by your side. If you are a working online degree program candidate, you can access your program even while on break and do some assignment before your break time is up.

An Online degree program will save you money and time since you are not attending a brick-and-mortal college in which aside from the tuition fees you have to buy books, pay for accommodation or practically commute daily to school. All you have to take care of if you are doing an online education program are electricity bills and internet connection subscription fees, which you would, most probably, be offsetting while in a traditional college.

The most important thing you need for an online degree program is how to access your study materials, but with a computer and internet connection you are connected to your course materials at anytime and at your own convenience. So, you can do your research and work your lessons at your own time and pace.

To finish off this little discuss on online degree programs, let me say that as too many people are applying for the few job opportunities available today, there is need for you to, at least, obtain a bachelors degree. This will help you fit into the competitive job market prior to your upgrading to a masters or even a doctorate degree. Now, do not tell me that you have no time; you can find the time necessary for studying for an online degree of your choice.

You have more information on Understanding Online Degree Programs at Online Associates Degrees, take a look and improve your knowledge.

Friday, October 16, 2009

How Online Degree Programs Are Golden Opportunities For Moms By Ewechi Fred

The principal benefit of an approved online college is that its accreditation enhances your chance of employment. That is the reason why you should locate an accredited online university for your online degree program as a stay at home mom.

As online degree is becoming very popular moms are not left out, in fact, they are making the best of the advantages offered by online degree programs. The convenience of studying at home is a great advantage for moms. As a stay at home mom you are not required to travel to attend your classes, rather you study at your own time on your computer using Internet connection in the comfort of your home.

Acquiring a degree is a necessity for moms who want to assist their husbands with the financial demands of household. Online universities afford moms the opportunity to earn degrees faster compared to campus colleges, because there is no commuting to do, no books to buy making it much easier for them.

I also like you to note that doing an online degree program fills a gap in your resume, because employers dislike gaps in resume, so on seeing that you earned an advanced degree while at home will automatically create a positive impression of you in their minds.

University of phoenix is a good option for you. It is fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and it offers Associates, Bachelors, and Masters Degrees online in all the major courses. The course contents are at par with their campus based colleges.

Apart from University of Phoenix, there are other accredited universities online like Colorado Technical University and Kaplan University. Both of them are focused towards improved quality education online. Students are offered educational competitive edge with modern teaching facilities that grounds them in good knowledge in their chosen courses and better chances of securing good jobs after graduation.

Finally, earning an online degree program as a mom is a life improving venture that should not interfere with your domestic chores, because you have the opportunity to schedule your study times to suite you. Now, that you know, I hope that you will take advantage of an online degree program today.

For more information on How Online Degree Programs Are Golden Opportunities for Moms please visit Life Experience Degree

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Secrets For Obtaining an Online Nursing Degree By Ewechi Fred

The nursing profession in the United States has for some years now been witnessing scarcity of staff. The retirement of nurses who have come of age is affecting the provision of adequate care for the aged.

Ironically there is an advantage in this serious situation for student nurses. In the past 15 years the basic remuneration for professional nurses has constantly been on the increase without any sign of slacking. So if you do an online nursing program and qualify you are sure of an above average pay in the United States.

In view of the above, the easiest means to commence a vocation in the nursing career is to register for an online nursing degree program which will enable you to schedule your course time-table to suit your convenience for the study of your course. You can complete your program at your own convenience or at the stipulated course duration.

Many distance learning institutions offer online nursing degree programs. The University of Phoenix and Walden University are notable for demanding an entry-level degree qualification, while if you are a registered nurse with an associate's degree you may be offered a bachelors degree program.

However, if you decide to enroll for an online nursing degree program, make sure that the University of your Choice is accredited and that it has good track record, because many universities make false claims of offering quality online degree programs. I say this because most students just jump on the first seemingly good online institution they come across. Don't be like that.

Tuition Fees:

Financing of online education can still be difficult for most students. However, note that you can get financial assistance from the government or some private loan firms online. Ask questions from the school authorities, majority of the recognized online colleges have experts on financial aids who can assist you with the issue of financing your online education, which is one of the challenges of online degree programs.

To conclude this article, note that if you can effectively manage the challenges of harmonizing your day job and family responsibilities plus find funding, you can smoothly conclude your online nursing degree program without hassle. So, the ball is now in your court to get a nursing online degree or upgrade your present nursing qualification. I know you can.

To read more on the Secrets For Obtaining an Online Nursing Degree please visit College Distance Learning

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How You Can Find Approved Online Colleges By Ewechi Fred

Approved Online Colleges are stepping stones towards higher education for many people like you. This is why it is advisable to focus on the best regionally accredited online institution when deciding to further your education.

There are various online degree programs available in online universities, ranging from associates and bachelors degree to even doctoral degree in many fields of human endeavor.

Nowadays the choices of online colleges are growing like wild fire. The reason for this might be due to the great demand for education by the public. The improvement of online schools in terms of course content has enabled the students to have effective communication with their fellows, and also with their lecturers through message boards and chat rooms. Many of the internet colleges are competing favorably with the traditional schools raising the profile of online Universities.

Apart from the high rating of the degrees of regionally accredited distant learning institutions and schools, priority is also given to graduates from such schools in the local job market..

Note that approved online institutions pass through rigorous screening of their academic standards before being accredited. This is done with proper and strict university accreditation rules and regulations by the CHEA (Council on Higher Education Accreditation). So do not take the "Accredited" badge you find on schools' sites for granted; investigate the claimed issuing body to authenticate validity.

Are you aware that Cornel University is one of the most outstanding distance learning institutions that is accredited by the appropriate authority and they are almost at par with traditional universities. The essence of having a degree from an accredited online college is either to enhance your career or help you secure employment easily.

Online Eduction afford you good opportunities to upgrade your education while still holding down your day job. But you have to realize the need for your commitment and self discipline necessary for actualizing an online course while still maintaining your job and family responsibilities.

Finally, Approved Online Colleges are on the internet 24/7 and more and more people are enrolling on daily basis, so do not be left out. Research the best online school for you and enroll to improve your education.

To know more about How You Can Find Approved Online Colleges please visit Online Degree Information Kits

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What You Need to Know About an Education Degree Online By Ewechi Fred

To get an education degree online is a wise decision. Solid education foundation for the young ones has been a common practice in United States since the time of the Pilgrim Fathers. And because education is a "recession proof" industry there will always be constant demand for qualified teachers.

Acquiring education degree online is quite beneficial - it is a career decision that will see you through life. Securing a good job and taking care of your family will become easier with and online degree program.

Where you live or the nature of your job does not matter if you want to enroll for a bachelor's or a master's degree in education, because online classes are usually tailored to suit you. However, before pursuing your education degree online you need to consider a few things:

Graduating from an accredited online Degree College is preferable, because of the quality online training you will receive. Generally, an online education degree course will give you the necessary training to enable you take up responsibilities as a qualified teacher, but an online accredited college is usually in a better position to offer you a quality training.

One of the advantages of studying online is that you can choose your own time and pace. Studying online will afford you the opportunity to organize and do your studies and assignments in a particular order, you can also choose to make it marathon or as slow as you can manage effectively. It can also take you as much as four years just as is the case with brick and mortar colleges.

With an online degree program your schedule determines the kind of study structure that best suits you. It takes longer to finish if you opt for one course module at a time. On the other hand a person who takes a full course at a stretch will definitely finish earlier.

Having said all that, you must be aware that education degree cannot be effectively concluded online, because of the need for a teaching practice. You need to acquire some classroom experience. Different sates have there own procedure for determining certified teachers, and teaching practice is one of them.

In conclusion, bear in mind that your choice of education degree online would reflect on your future career by way of your acceptability or otherwise in the labor market. This is why you must ensure that you train in the best and respected online college - it must be an accredited college.

To learn more on What You Need to Know About Education Degree Online please visit Online Teaching Career

Monday, October 12, 2009

Benefits of Online Education Colleges By Ewechi Fred

Online Education Colleges have brought tremendous innovation into the learning system. Prior to the emergence of the Internet, college education was usually through the traditional college system. The norm was that after high school you moved into college where you spent, at least, four years studying your chosen courses for a degree.

However, today you can pursue educational advancement through online colleges from the comfort of your home while still engaged in your day job. Recent technological developments are really reshaping our society and the way we do things including education.

Adults who are gainfully employed have benefited more from online education colleges. This is because they find it easier to harmonize their schedules in respect of their day job demands and family chores.

It may not be convenient for you to attend classes regularly in the classroom setting, so with online colleges, you now have the opportunity to study online as your schedule permits. But you must ensure that you do not procrastinate on your studies. Self determination and focus are called for if you must diligently complete your course without supervision.

Convenience of flexibility of time study is one good things about online education. You don't have to follow a formal time table; rather your study schedule is solely determined by you. You can access your courses outline at any time and do your academic work at your own speed. Likewise, doing your assignments and submitting them are both via the Internet in the comfort of your home.

Your pace determines when you will complete your degree program. If your pace is good enough you can round up your online courses earlier than you would have in a traditional college. You have the advantage of studying at home on your computer and internet connection.

In conclusion, online education colleges are open to all, just study hard and obtain good grades and you will eventually pass your qualifying exams and be awarded your online degree for your dream job. But do not just jump on the first online college you come across online, research several online schools to find the one that best suites your needs, and financial capacity.

For more details on the Benefits Of Online Education Colleges
please visit Aa Degree Online

Sunday, October 11, 2009

How University of Phoenix is Fighting Recession Through Online Degree Programs By Ewechi Fred

University of Phoenix was established in 1976. Since its inception it has been geared towards bringing higher education to your finger tips and by so doing helping to mitigate the effects of recession.

Working students have easy access to Phoenix online degree programs. With Phoenix improved online educational facilities, the university has become the largest private university in the United States. Though, Phoenix has over 200 campuses spread across North America, their online degree programs are available in any field of study for people over the world.

Online education is witnessing great influx of students due to its convenience and the fact that many students are already working day jobs. Even the unemployed are improving their qualifications with online degree programs with the anticipation of eventually finding good paying jobs. Online education is very stress free, even disabled persons find it very convenient because there is no mandatory time-table to follow or commuting to do.

Do you know that University of Phoenix has remained unbeatable in online education? This is because all their online programs are aimed towards career advancement, and you have over 100 different courses ranging from Associate's to Doctorate degree.

The institution is fully accredited by the appropriate body. In case you decide to change to another college, the credits you received from Phoenix remain valid and transferable, though this depends on the field of study into which you are making the change.

Phoenix fees are moderate when compared to tuition fees paid in other colleges. Though there might be a little difference depending on the courses you are opting for and the type of study materials, e.g. audio or video downloads etc.

Note that if you are working a day job while doing your online degree courses with Phoenix, your employer maybe offering partial tuition reimbursements, so check to see if you have that privilege as part of your employment benefits. Many employers offer this kind of incentive to their employees who want to upgrade their education.

You are also qualified for financial aid from the federal government, and there are several private loan firms such as Stafford loans etc. Research educational financial aids online so that you may find one to assist you in acquiring your degree from university of phoenix to upgrade your qualification for a good job or career advancement.

Finally, note that with a University of Phoenix online degree, you are better placed in the job market because employers have high regard for graduates of Phoenix University. Make yourself a qualified individual to fill sensitive vacant positions in commerce and industry by considering enrolling for an online education today, especially in Phoenix online degree programs.

For more information on how University of Phoenix is Fighting Recession please visit Certificate Online Programs

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Kids Learn to Blog - Parent and Teacher Tips By Patricia Fioriello

Students who have started blogging may find that they have a lot of interest in it. And some might pursue it as a career or want to earn pocket money by blogging. They have a natural ability and interest in creating blogs. Parents and teachers can help enhance this talent.

These days parents and teachers are recognizing their kids learning potential, writing style, reflection and critical analysis of work. There are a few ways that teachers and parents can encourage kids who are interested in blogging. They are:

  • Teachers can include blogging as part of class activities. They can create a class blog for students. It is an exciting way to enhance the student's ability to blog.
  • They should encourage students to think deeper about topics for blogging. And give them ideas to enhance their knowledge.
  • Blogs are a medium that gives students possession of their own type of learning. It gives opportunities for them to get their voice heard. So parents should encourage them to write blogs and be creative in their thoughts.
  • Parents should discuss blogs with their children and give them their opinion about the writing style or topic selected. It will make your child feel better and more confident. You can also be their best critic and best encourager.
  • Teachers can comment on blogs and encourage students to do the same. This will make them write for perfection. The connection made through comments from someone else who reads their blog post will make their learning more significant and appropriate.
  • Teachers can encourage their students to write for school blogs. These days students reach new people more online. They can also write for their school magazine.
  • If schools conduct competitions related to blogging, students having an interest to create blogs or write post, can showcase their talent. Competition always enhances the ability to do things perfectly.
  • Teachers should teach their students about the use of proper language, spelling, grammar and punctuation in their blog posts.
  • You can give kids various random topics to write about on their blogs so that they become experts in writing any kind of content.
  • Teach them about various tools that can be used while blogging. These tools make blogging interesting as well as very easy. If the designing is done properly, they can fill it with appropriate content.
  • Visit sites that teach and provide students with information about blogging. It is important to first check who is in charge of the sites. Look for a qualified educator who is familiar with the legal and security issues of the Internet for students.

Learn more about blogging in the classroom. Sign up to receive the free report "An Introduction to Blogging."

Dr. Patricia Fioriello has 25 years experience in K-12 education as a teacher, principal, and central office manager. She currently publishes blogs, articles, eguides and books addressing the critical issues confronting our school's today. Writing services include study materials, documents and presentations. Dr. Fioriello also conducts workshops, private online tutoring and consulting for K-12 educators and the school community. She is available online at

Kids Learn to Blog - Parent and Teacher Tips By Patricia Fioriello

Students who have started blogging may find that they have a lot of interest in it. And some might pursue it as a career or want to earn pocket money by blogging. They have a natural ability and interest in creating blogs. Parents and teachers can help enhance this talent.

These days parents and teachers are recognizing their kids learning potential, writing style, reflection and critical analysis of work. There are a few ways that teachers and parents can encourage kids who are interested in blogging. They are:

  • Teachers can include blogging as part of class activities. They can create a class blog for students. It is an exciting way to enhance the student's ability to blog.
  • They should encourage students to think deeper about topics for blogging. And give them ideas to enhance their knowledge.
  • Blogs are a medium that gives students possession of their own type of learning. It gives opportunities for them to get their voice heard. So parents should encourage them to write blogs and be creative in their thoughts.
  • Parents should discuss blogs with their children and give them their opinion about the writing style or topic selected. It will make your child feel better and more confident. You can also be their best critic and best encourager.
  • Teachers can comment on blogs and encourage students to do the same. This will make them write for perfection. The connection made through comments from someone else who reads their blog post will make their learning more significant and appropriate.
  • Teachers can encourage their students to write for school blogs. These days students reach new people more online. They can also write for their school magazine.
  • If schools conduct competitions related to blogging, students having an interest to create blogs or write post, can showcase their talent. Competition always enhances the ability to do things perfectly.
  • Teachers should teach their students about the use of proper language, spelling, grammar and punctuation in their blog posts.
  • You can give kids various random topics to write about on their blogs so that they become experts in writing any kind of content.
  • Teach them about various tools that can be used while blogging. These tools make blogging interesting as well as very easy. If the designing is done properly, they can fill it with appropriate content.
  • Visit sites that teach and provide students with information about blogging. It is important to first check who is in charge of the sites. Look for a qualified educator who is familiar with the legal and security issues of the Internet for students.

Learn more about blogging in the classroom. Sign up to receive the free report "An Introduction to Blogging."

Dr. Patricia Fioriello has 25 years experience in K-12 education as a teacher, principal, and central office manager. She currently publishes blogs, articles, eguides and books addressing the critical issues confronting our school's today. Writing services include study materials, documents and presentations. Dr. Fioriello also conducts workshops, private online tutoring and consulting for K-12 educators and the school community. She is available online at

Friday, October 9, 2009

Advantages of Online Education By Ivan Copper

Nowadays, for many reasons, online education is considered the best way to impart the desired knowledge. Following are few advantages of the online education system so that education seekers can choose the right path of fulfilling their knowledge thrust:

Advantages of Online Education:

Students need not go anywhere to get classes. Just open your computer and select your online course from any corner of the world.

You can choose your own reading schedule. Take time to work on assignment and readings at your own discretion.

These programs are usually accredited by reputed universities so you don't have to feel that you are being tricked.

These programs are usually cheaper than traditional school programs.

Attending these classes is very easy as they can be accessible from anywhere. All you need is fast internet connectivity and a functioning computer system at home.

Almost no expenses:
Attending online programs can be referred as an opportunity. Since the learning is based on the internet, you save considerable money to be spent on commutation and others related activities.

Uninterrupted learning process:
One of the greatest advantages of taking an online program is to non interruption. Access from anywhere and accessed anywhere, you learning never stops until and unless you want to do so. There are vast variety of resources available over internet that your thirst of knowledge will increase day by day. Just try to search the articles of your interest and you will be provided with large number of online educational resources where you can learn.

For further information about any health advice please contact us at: Educational Advice and Online Education Advice

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Obtaining Computer Forensics and Cyber Crime Degree Online By Amit Kothial

Today education is one of the few ways that can help you progress in life and lead the life that you have always wanted. In fact in past few years, the demand of being well educated has grown extremely high, as most employees can't think of promoting an undergraduate to a managerial level no matter what experience an individual gains in the industry. There are too many highly educated people available out there who can be appointed for the managerial position or may even replace you. Therefore, if for any reason you could not complete your studies; it's time to give a serious thought about further studies. Distance learning is surely one of the best ways that can act as best alternative to complete your studies or improve knowledge. In fact in recent years, it is gaining tremendous popularity.

Distance learning offers you the convenience of obtaining your education while working or managing a family. Apart from this, it is now part of the planning agenda of many leading organizations that are getting more concerned with education and training. Besides this, the quality of online learning has also improved. Many people are opting distance learning courses either to get their diploma or to improve their knowledge. No doubt that there are numerous benefits, so there is no reason why you should not complete your studies or acquire even more education. However, here are few the main reasons that explain why distance learning is a convenient option in the present scenario:

Convenience to work at your own pace: While there is usually a fixed time within which you are required to complete a course, but you are not forced to complete it into a regimented schedule. With distance learning, you are responsible for your schedule. Provided with various study materials, you have choice to study them as per your convenience at any time of the day. Moreover, you are not confined to attend classroom for a certain number of hours.

Convenience to have one-on-one interaction: It also provides you with facility to interact with counselors one-on-one till you complete the program. This one-on-one attention is very effective and often makes you feel as if someone is always there to guide or assist you. The mentors are always ready to answer your questions.

Convenience to access tremendous volume of online database: It provides you access volume of online study materials. As a result, you are not require to spend time or hours searching matter in relation to various topics in library or copying content from different research materials.

More economical: Today there are many distance learning programs that even offer great payment plans and help you complete your education at a reasonable rate. There are no extreme tuition bills in online learning schools. However, at times it depends on the level of study you enroll in. Moreover, with online learning you get to learn from home, so you have no additional board or travel costs.

Convenience to choose your preferred course and school: It finally provides a wide range of topics and specialized degrees that you may not be able to find in local educational institutes. From courses in liberal arts and social work, the range of distance learning encompasses courses in business management, public health, technology and accounting as well. In addition to this, online learning even allows you to select the standards distance learning schools you wish to attend, as you are not limited to select institute within driving distance.

Distance learning is not determined by your position on the global map. Today distance learning courses are no different than on-campus courses. It certainly offers a wide range of resources and great convenience which actually enables you to enhance your knowledge-base a lot more.

Looking for best distance learning universities or courses? Find complete information about top distance learning programs, online degrees, and top distance learning colleges or universities in United States and Canada at

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Accredited Online Accounting Degree - Become a Qualified Accountant and Earn Big Money By Indah Mohammed

Accredited online accounting degree has grown to be very essential because it affects every part of business activities. Accounting generally is vital in area of cash payment, cash receivable, cash flow analysis, distributing, marketing and sales and manufacturing. In business concern, there are fields of proficiency for instance, marketing and sales, human resources, auditing and investigation. Many people are going into the business entity after getting accredited online accounting degrees education.

Online accounting course offer you big chance particularly if you graduated from a recognized college or university. Lots of qualified accountants are always on high demand in every side of industries, even if there is increasing number of scandals related issue in this profession. The course is among the successful and leading paying work worldwide. Online accounting programs and other options of educational systems make it promising to get a quality and accredited education without going to usual colleges or universities classroom.

Your online degree qualifications enjoy the same recognition as your campus based taught school mates. You will collect salary of more than $56, 000USD annually. You can also do online master's degree in accounting and online PhD in accounting options.

You must do your first degree in accounting before you become a qualified accountant in United States of America. This program is made up of more than 150 hours of course work load in varied courses like finances, auditing management and taxation. Once you acquire your first degree, you can now decide on the field you want to specialize.

In United States of America, accountants are classify into Certified Public Accountants with detailed job on tax matter and personal bookkeeping, Certified Management Accountants works for employers as payroll and safe keeping of accounting records while Certified Internal Auditors works mainly on auditing of companies financial accounts and reports.

In conclusion, before you do online accounting degree, ensure to research on whether the program is accredited and the school is approved to run the course by the authority concern.

For more information about a lucrative online education opportunity, please visit Online Accounting Degree or Accredited Online Degree.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Civil Service Police Officer Test - Study Guides For Taking the Exam By J M Anderson

Have you always wanted to become a Police Officer? If you've started the process, you should know that the Police Officer Exam is a required test to be taken by all Police Officer applicants. In this economy, it is important that you score high on this test as there is a lot of competition. Civil Service Police Officer jobs pay well and have great benefits. Therefore, you need to make sure you spend the appropriate amount of time studying. The best way to study is to obtain a Police Officer Exam Study Guide. These types of test prep material will help you to study what is on your test so that you don't waste time studying material that won't be on your test.

There are a number of guides that can help you study for the exam. You should be able to obtain one study guide that will help you to prepare. Look for a guide that contains all of the areas on the exam. This includes spelling, grammar and punctuation, memory, reading comprehension, directional orientation, situational awareness, math and reading charts and graphs. You should also look for a study guide that does not contain a lot of "fluff". In other words, look for a study guide that only discusses the exam itself. You don't need to waste your time on useless information.

A good study guide should also include a practice test. Practice tests are the best way to prepare for the exam. Practice tests will allow you to practice taking an exam and determine what areas you need to continue to focus on and what areas are your strong points that you will need to spend less time on. You will also want a study guide that gives you explanations to the practice test exam problems. An answer key with explanations will help you to understand each question. By understanding the answers to the questions, you will be prepared to pass your exam.

If your exam is coming up soon, get started today. Be careful to allow yourself time to receive a book that is being shipped. You may be better off ordering an ebook and get the book within seconds. This will give you the most time to study so that you can pass your exam. The more prepared you are, the higher your score will be. Good luck on your Police Officer exam!

If you would like to learn more about how to obtain more information to prep for your Civil Service Police Officer Exam then check out this link: Civil Service Police Study Guides

Monday, October 5, 2009

USMLE Opens the Gateway For International Medical Students to Practise Medical Career in US By Rohini Sharma

Attempting the USMLE in one go is not at all difficult if international medical students prepare through multiple mock tests with the prominent USMLE books which consist of multiple USMLE practice questions.

The US is one of the best places in the entire world for pursuing a high quality medical science education. Each calendar year, numerous students from diverse countries flock to this developed country to get a degree in US medical science. There is plethora of US medical universities from where international students can get their graduation as well as the further higher accolades. Well it does not mean that graduating from a US medical institute is the only way to make a bright career in this multicultural country. Even those who have completed graduation from other nations medical institutes can also get legal license but for this one needs to pass USMLE with better scores.

The USMLE (the United States Medical Licensing Examination) is an entrance exam conducted and sponsored by the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and the National Board of Medical Examiners (shortly known as NBME). Both US and none US medical doctors need to get qualified by this entrance exam for collecting their licenses in their respective study areas and accordingly they can start their medical career in the US. The USMLE consists of three segmented tests which have to be thoroughly passed by medical students. The US MD medical school graduates need to obtain 95%, 82% by US osteopathic medical graduates and for international or foreign medical school graduates need to chunk out at least 70%.

The above mentioned benchmarks are mandatory for both US and non-US medical students. Before they sit for the annual entrance exams they need to strengthen their knowledge in the respective realms with the help of branded, competitive and internationally acclaimed books on USMLE practice questions. If medical graduates repetitively train themselves with all the possible USMLE practice questions and answers then it certain that they can face any kinds of typical questions at the final USMLE entrance exams at one go. Dreams materialize into reality only when one toils and trains himself with practicalities. Best books USMLE practice questions offer the key to get the medical license in the United States of America.

Rohini Sharma is an expert author. She is currently writing for Mediconline. We provide detailed information on USMLE practice questions, AIIMS revision Questions with Answers, and much more.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Civil Service Police Officer Exam - What You Need to Know By J M Anderson

The Civil Service Police Officer Exam is a required exam that you must take in order to become a police officer. If you are planning to apply for a job, you will need to take this exam no matter what level (federal, state, local) you are applying for. It is important that you score well on this exam. Not only do you need to pass the exam, you will need to have a high score. There are a lot of people taking this test with you and applying for the same job you are. You need to have a higher score than they do in order to secure the job of your dreams.

The Police Officer Exam is broken out into different areas. These areas may include:

  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation
  • Situational Reasoning
  • Directional Orientation
  • Mathematics
  • Reading visual graphs, charts, etc
  • Memory
  • Reading Comprehension

And more.If you don't have experience taking exams with this type of content, you will need to obtain a study guide. Don't try and study on your own. For example, do you know how Directional Orientation questions will be formatted on your exam? Have you seen this type of question on an exam before? A typical question related to Directional Orientation contains a map with a legend or a compass. The question may ask you how to get from Point A to Point B. You need to be careful with this type of question, it is usually not straightforward. For example, north is not always pointing up. You need to watch out for common pitfalls in your exam and know what to look for before you actually take the exam.

Find a study guide that is specific to the Civil Service Police Officer Test. Other study guides may not contain the same content or types of questions that will be on your test. Don't waste your time studying what is not going to be on your test. Get a study guide that discusses what will be on your exam, tips and tricks, common pitfalls, and most importantly, a practice exam. If you study for the exam using a study guide that is specific to the Civil Service Police Officer Exam, you should be well prepared for the test and pass the first time.

If you would like to take that "next-step" and discover how to tower over your competition on your Police Officer Test or if you want to be pointed in the right direction, go to Police Officer Study Guide

Saturday, October 3, 2009

LPN to RN Bridge Programs - Easy Credits For What You Know By Frankie Cowan

You've finally made the decision: You've been an LPN for a while and have put your dreams of becoming an RN off for long enough: you've decided to become an RN through an RN bridge program. You've weighed the pros and cons of attending a traditional nursing school to the bridge programs offered in a nontraditional setting (i.e. online schools) and, unlike a traditional program, the nontraditional LPN to RN bridge programs are a perfect fit for your busy life and other responsibilities: your job, your family, not to mention the simple lack of time and high cost of traditional nursing programs. With an online RN bridge program you can get credit for a lot of what you already know and make up the rest through credit by examination, a much more convenient method. Here's an overview of how Credit by examination works in an LPN to RN bridge program:

Assessing your needs

• As an LPN, (or other allied health professional), you already have clinical experience, practical skills and academic credit that you can use toward an RN degree. The school you plan to get your degree from will examine all of this information and assess where the "gaps" (lack of credits) are; you, in turn, will create a "bridge" to fill those in by taking credit-by-examinations. For example, if your LPN to RN bridge program requires you to have 3 credits in English Literature and you have never taken that course, this is a "gap" that you will need to fill in and earn credits for. This can be accomplished through credit-by-examination.

What is Credit by Examination?

• Credit by examination is one of the most efficient and convenient methods you can use to earn college credit. Instead of enrolling in a traditional course offered in a classroom setting (often every day of the week), you can use your knowledge, experiences and study resources to "test out of" or earn credit for, a given subject. This is a one-time examination that you will receive credit for after having successfully passed it. It will take the place of a traditional college semester class. In addition to saving valuable time, credit-by-examination saves you money! Credit-by-examination classes can cost as little as $65 per credit, whereas community colleges charge $300.00 and upward for a three-credit course!

Where can I earn credit?

• You can use one of the well-established credit-by-examination programs such as CLEP (College Level Examination Program), DANTES (Defense Activity for Nontraditional Education Support), or ECE (Excelsior College Examinations). Excelsior College offers nursing credits you will need for an AASN RN degree. You can obtain your ASN degree entirely through credit-by-examination in an online LPN to RN bridge program.
• Credits earned this way are accepted at accredited schools across the country. Many schools give the same amount of credit as their own similar courses.

Where do I get my Study Material for my RN bridge program?

After you know what credits you need to complete your degree, you can contact CLEP, DANTES, or Excelsior College to obtain information about tests offered, study materials you may need and test dates. Your options are nearly limitless when it comes to locating resources to prepare you for your exams. You can obtain study material from college textbooks, reference books, study guides purchased online or through bookstores, library rentals and friends.

For more information on the fastest and most stress free way you can go from LPN to RN, check out Their program is based on visual learning and live instruction all from the comfort of your own home. You don't have to do it alone. Get the support and structure of a traditional program with the flexibility and acceleration of a distance learning program.Just think, eight months from now you could have your new nationally accredited RN degree!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Going From LPN to RN - Online, in Less Time! By Frankie Cowan

Nursing has been named as one of the best career paths of 2009 by the U.S. News and World Report. But why? Well, it's no secret that we're in critical nursing shortage. According to the Health Resources and Services Administration the shortage will grow to more than 1 million RN vacancies by the year 2020.

Because of this critical shortage and the aging population, nursing is one of the few professions that is in high demand and has great job security, even despite our current economic condition. This trend is likely to continue as the baby-boomer generation ages and the need for registered nurses grows.

The benefits of becoming a registered nurse are numerous: the compensation is competitive with a median income of between $52,000 and $64,000 and facilities are often paying huge sign on bonuses in the thousands just to fill their deficits. Nursing is a wide-open profession, with limitless possibilities and job flexibility. There has never been a better time to become a Registered Nurse.

So why aren't more people trying to get their RN degree? Well, they are... but traditional schools can't keep up.

Reported by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, in 2008, United States nursing schools turned away 49,948 qualified applicants from nursing programs due to a shortfall of qualified nursing instructors, lack of classrooms and budget constraints. As a result, the wait list to get into traditional programs has increased, often times to longer than the actual time it would take you to get the degree.

Even wait list aside though, most nursing students couldn't do traditional schooling if they wanted to. While, the typical image of a college student is between 18 and 23, the reality is that 84% of college level students are over the age of 25 and work full time. They simply can't afford the time to attend a traditional program. So for the need to accommodate more nursing students and with the advancement of today's technology nontraditional nursing programs are becoming increasingly popular.

But how exactly does distance learning work?

Nontraditional, or distance learning, nursing programs combine your already existing nursing experience with credits earned through examination. Credit by examination allows you to test out of subjects you already know by taking a onetime exam for your credit. After passing the exam you will get the same college credits you would have received had you sat through an entire semester of that class in a traditional school. It's that simple!

The benefits of nontraditional nursing programs aren't hard to see

• You save time!
• You save money!
• You study from home!
• You study at your own pace!
• You don't have to quit your job or neglect your family!

So here it is... if you're an LPN, Paramedic, Respiratory Therapist or Military Corpsman, will help you can get your RN degree not only for less money and less time but we will help you do it in a way no other RN bridge program ever has or ever can.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Online College Degree Programs Offer Best Path to Job Security By Sara Ellis

Have you ever seen a TV commercial advertising online college degree programs or heard a friend or relative mention they're looking into distance learning? Like many people, you've probably been confused or skeptical about the idea. With all the infomercials we see on TV, and the fake get-rich-quick schemes online, online college degree programs might seem likely to fall into one of those categories, but nothing could be farther from the truth. While it's true that there will always be someone running a fake scheme to trick folks, accredited online college degree programs are available from some of the nation's top universities and are so well regarded that most employers offer tuition assistance programs to help employees earn them.

In today's ever evolving and hyper-competitive global job market it's more important than ever to secure the education you need in order to keep up-to-date and compete, but how can working adults possibly manage to continue their education without disrupting their responsibilities of work or family?

Online degree programs offer students the opportunity to take college classes over the computer so they never have to interrupt busy work schedules or important family events in order to be on time for classes as they would have to in traditional classes on campus. Accredited online degree programs are a great alternative for adult learners who can't afford to stop working in order to attend traditional campus based classes, yet would like to earn a degree in order to expand their opportunities in today's super competitive job market. After all, the only thing you need in order to achieve your desired educational goal through an online program is ambition, the desire to better yourself, motivation, self-discipline, and access to the internet.

Modern online learning applications take advantage of a wide range of Web resources, including multimedia, Web-based applications, and new collaboration technologies that are a far cry from the televised broadcasts and videoconferencing that characterized earlier generations of distance education. Whether you're seeking an associate's, bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree, accredited online degree programs can help you reach your goal while you work -- and quicker than you might think!

Accredited online degree programs are available at the Associate, Bachelor's, Master's, Post-Graduate and Doctorate degree levels for a wide range of subjects such as Business, Healthcare Administration, Medical Assisting, Psychology, Counseling, Management, Nursing, Health Sciences, Accounting, Criminal Justice, Education, Divinity, and in practically every other discipline under the sun. In fact, earning a college degree online provides the opportunity for more program choices and allows students to earn their degree from some of the most prestigious universities in the nation regardless of where they live. For example, students as far away as rural Alaska have the same opportunity to earn a degree from an Ivy League University that a student who attends classes on campus thanks to the availability and accessibility of accredited online education programs.

Offering students the opportunity to work at their own pace, from wherever internet access is available, online college degree programs are convenient, flexibility, and typically cost less than traditional campus based programs. In fact, a recently released meta-analysis and review of online learning studies by the U.S. Department of Education found that students who took all or part of their class online performed better, on average, than those taking the same course through traditional face-to-face instruction, so why not look into securing your future by earning an accredited online college degree?

Sara Ellis RN, BSN has over 20 years experience in NICU, ICU, and ER nursing. She seeks to promote nursing as a profession and writes for's Online Nursing Schools Guide and Nursing Career Guide. Learn more about Accredited Online Nursing Degrees and Allied Healthcare Careers today.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Rise of Online LPN to RN Bridge Programs By Frankie Cowan

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the field of Nursing provides the greatest number of jobs in the health care industry. It continues to be a highly regarded, unwavering, and yet very accommodating career opportunity for non-traditional college students who cope with employment and domestic commitments.

In 2006, the U. S. Department of Education and Federal Student Aid reported that Forty percent of all college students in the United States were above the age of 25, placing them in the category of the non-traditional student. Based on current economic hardships and increased unemployment rates it is highly probable that this number has amplified since that time. As a result, there is no better period than the present to pursue higher education in the field of nursing.

For most non-traditional nursing students, family obligations and financial necessities do not easily permit attendance in a conventional college setting; therefore, innovative learning opportunities become essential. Traditional nursing programs incorporate a rigid schedule with time constraints, which drastically extinguish the student's capability of attending to other important external commitments such as effectively taking care of the home, preparing meals, or meeting religious devotions. Additionally, the strenuous theory and clinical requirements monopolize the prime hours of the workday, preventing consistent employment. Uncompromising lecturing methods habitually neglect to acclimate to the various styles of learning used by diverse students. Sadly, these are only a small number of the types of barriers, which impede the accomplishments of the non-traditional student.

Fortunately, current educational trends are acknowledging and eliminating countless hindrances to accommodate non-traditional adult students. The World Wide Web supplies immeasurable benefits for distance learning LPN to RN bridge programs, particularly in the specific areas of convenience, flexibility, accessibility and affordability.

Non-traditional learning conveniently provides the student security of being able to work at support their families financially while pursuing higher learning.

In most cases, the student is able to work from the comfort of their own homes, giving them optimum reassurance of consistently addressing domestic matters. With minimized time constraints, the student is able to adapt material to their particular learning style. Internet instruction is accessible from many different places at the student discretion. Additionally, it provides the students access to reputable colleges in different parts of the country without the hassle of relocating. The curtailed gas expenses are noticeable because the reduced need for commuting to different areas of the community. The excess cost of additional childcare needs during irregular instruction hours is obsolete for single parent households, already in financial restraints. The advantages of non-traditional learning opportunities are priceless.

What does this paradigm shift in education signify for the nursing profession?

It promotes an increase in availability of competent nurses on hand to provide adequate healthcare. It supports desirable relief for reducing the gap between the aging baby boomer population and the widely reported shortage of professional nurses. It also indicates a decrease in the number of nurses who succumb to leaving the practice in pursuit of higher learning. It reinforces the ability of medical facilities to aide their nurses in keeping abreast of new information and medical technologies that are available. It also eliminates much of the obstacles, which interfere with successful completion of an educational program.

Bottom line, online LPN to RN bridge programs are a practical option for self-disciplined adults actively seeking this gratifying occupation.

Want to be an RN? You don't have to do it alone. Get the support and structure of a traditional program with the flexibility and acceleration of a distance learning program. If you are going to make the leap from LPN to RN then check out and find out how you can get your accredited two year RN degree in as little as 8 months all from the comfort of your own home and without reading stacks of books.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Importance of an Online Sports Management and Fitness Degree By Jitesh Arora

Education can transform an ordinary human being to an extra ordinary one. The roots of education might be bitter but the fruits are very tasty.

It is a general fact that athletes and other sports personalities do not have the highest form of education. They do not find adequate time for studies and spend most of their time in on-field activities.

Every body has a retirement age and it arrives very soon for the sports personalities. One cannot exist as a sports person after 40 years of age. Hence one has to be careful in shaping his career by keeping everything in mind.

Online masters degrees in sports management make the job easier for athletes & other sport persons. They can easily attain a well-known and much respected career like a team trainer, personal trainer or a sports manager.

An online bachelors sports management degree will give the sports business knowledge, which can be applied in a professional way. Subjects like sports marketing; sports settings, managerial theory and much more will be covered. One can be a successful manager or an owner of a team with a perfect online sports management degree.

Walker says, "You need solid business skills, sport industry experience and sport industry contacts/network". Students must find an appropriate opportunity to build all the three.

Online Fitness & exercise degrees are equally important for any individual. All the sports personalities would love to have a slim figure even after quitting sports. It is very important to be fit for every individual as the healthy body prevails health mind. A sports or fitness job will help a person to be in shape all the life.

An online sports management degree will give the whip hand in aspects of fitness community and one can become a personal trainer, team trainer , a sports nutritionist or an exercise instructor.

One can also become a sports agent, which is a dream job for many. An online sports management degree can create a sensible sports agent who can earn lucrative amount of money by making new contracts with clients.

Online sports management degree may even fetch you a team manager job. A team manager helps in managing events, stadiums, leagues, groups and other departments. A team manager can make around $75,000 to million dollar yearly salaries.

If you are looking for more information then feel free to visit Online Bachelors Sports Management Degree

Monday, September 28, 2009

LPN to RN - Fast Track Program Online By Frankie Cowan

If you are an LPN who has gained some experience and knowledge, you may be the ideal candidate to make the transition to RN. If so, you may want to consider taking an LPN to RN fast track program online. It may seem to the uninitiated that LPN's and RN's share more similarities than differences, and this is true in some ways. However, the RN has many more opportunities in the workplace than an LPN and they earn more money.

What is the biggest difference between the two designations? Education is key- becoming an RN requires more education, and this is why RN's are often valued more than LPN's in the workplace. An LPN who has years of experience can still only go so far in their profession before they "hit the ceiling"; an RN has limitless possibilities as to their future career opportunities.

An LPN to RN fast track program online is the ideal option for LPNs who want to transition to becoming an RN, yet wish to continue working, raising their family, or pursuing other goals at the same time. LPN to RN programs are designed to help you become an RN as quickly as possible without repeating many of the same courses you took as an LPN. The first step in beginning the process is ensuring that you have the courses you need; in other words, make sure you have all the courses necessary in order to enroll in the LPN to RN fast track program online of your choice. Once you complete your coursework, you will need to become board certified, and will need to pass the NCLEX exam (National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses), which will test you to be sure you have mastered all of the required nursing competencies to become an RN. Once you have passed the exam, the sky is the limit!

What types of opportunities will be available to you upon graduation from an LPN to RN program? As an RN, you can be employed as a:

School nurse
Prison nurse
Nursing instructor
Clinic nurse
Camp nurse
Cruise ship nurse
Nursing educator
Nursing manager

In addition, as an RN, you can work in virtually any specialty of your choosing, including emergency medicine, obstetrics, intensive care, maternity, pediatrics, acute care, continuing care, and numerous others. As an RN, you are guaranteed an endless array of job opportunities, ensuring that you will never be bored.

In taking an LPN to RN fast track program online, you are opening new doors to a future of exciting job opportunities, heightened respect and higher pay! There has never been a better time than now to get into an LPN to RN program.

Made your mind up about becoming an RN? You don't have to do it alone. Get the support and structure of a traditional program with the flexibility and acceleration of a distance learning program. If you are going to make the leap from LPN to RN then check out and find out how you can get your accredited two year RN degree in as little as 8 months all from the comfort of your own home and without reading stacks of books.