Monday, August 3, 2009

6 Steps on How to Reduce Cheating on Online Tests By Eliza Pistis

With online tutoring and or teaching, one way to assess if a student understood the lesson or material is to test them on it. But like any test, it should be lined up with the learning objectives set for the lesson. Online test are not exempt from cheating and may have a greater overall percentage of students that do cheat. Cheating can come in several forms, but there are steps to take to reduce cheating on online tests.

1. Limited answer attempts: Many online tests only allow one chance to take it. Once the test is completed, the test taker can immediately see how s/he did on it. Although, this can be frustrating for students because some students may have test anxiety and may not do well and may need another try at the test to get over the anxiety. It is up to you how many times a student is allowed to take the test, but you could have a practice test, but have the final test once.

2. Ability to access test: Having a user identification and password to access the test prevents accessibility to anyone. Tests could be accessed by password, or password and identification, and domain limit online access. Using these methods to make access to a test secures the test from spreading.

3. Shuffle choices: Every time the test is opened, the answer choices shuffle, so the answers won't be the same for each student taking the test. Even if the test is allowed twice the answers will be different. This will make it difficult for students to copy from each others.

4. Set time limit on test: This is the amount of time to complete the exam; for instance, you may give your students an hour to complete the test and once the time is up the test is no longer accessible to the student. Be careful not to be too restrictive because some students will need extra time for the exam. Another suggestion would be only making the test available the day you want the students to take it.

5. Randomize questions: Test questions in random order prevent students from easily cheating, because the questions will not be in the same order as each others. Students will have a more difficult time comparing answers and would stray from doing it if the test is timed.

6. Good relationship and effective communication with students: Make sure your students understand the penalty for cheating, but more than that allow your students easy access to you through e-mail, phone, texting, or chat. Students that cannot reach their teacher can become frustrated if they do not understand a concept or class material. Students may then rationalize their way into cheating, by saying it is not their fault they don't know the material on the test.

Cheating only hurts those that cheat, although it may allow a student to make a good grade, it does not give an honest picture of what they know. Online cheating may increase with the popularity of e-learning and tutoring, these steps can help reduce the amount of cheating in your classroom.

Eliza Pistis invites online teachers and tutors: children are being let down by the educational system, budget cuts. You have a chance to make a difference in an over burdened education system.

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