Internet diploma programs in the United States have come to form an increasingly larger part of the nation's student body. Technological advances in the Internet, information technology and digital communications have made this turnaround possible.
In 2004, the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) did a study showing that 2.2% of all students in America were pursing home education. This amounted to 1,096,000 students, and was up from 1998 when 1.7% or some 850,000 students were studying from home. Today, the number reaches well over one million. Projections indicate that this figure may continue to go up over the next few years, as young students and adults seeking to complete their high school education can enjoy the advantages of an Internet diploma.
Once the domain of wealthy families, sick children and child celebrities, home schooling has grown more affordable and thus accessible to the general public. The Internet, plus the lowered costs of computers and Internet access, has positively impacted many of the costs associated with transporting private tutors and counselors. Some programs even offer their courses completely available through the Internet, with lessons and modules sent to the students via email or through Web downloads. Others may still deliver printed textbooks, but more remote schools save money by providing these printed materials on a data CD.
Doubts still remain regarding the prestige and in fact the validity of an Internet diploma. One common perception is that receiving a diploma online is not as good as one obtained from actual classroom learning. This notion, however, has begun to change, as more people are more open to the idea of studying from home and schools continuously improve their online curricula.
Resource Box:
Continental Academy provides online Internet diploma courses for high school students and adults seeking to complete their high school diploma. It is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) and internationally accredited by the Commission on International and Trans-Regional Accreditation (CITA). It boasts a challenging curriculum that prepares its graduates for life ahead. Learn more about the Continental Academy and its innovative teaching methods by visiting or by calling 1-800-285-3514.
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